Role of Human Resource Management in Workforce Performance
People in an organisation are the pillars of any workplace who carry out many important work activities throughout their professional career. Human Resource Management is responsible for managing and organising people in order to enhance their capabilities. The role of HR management team is unique where they view people as human assets and not just costs to the company. Managing employees comes with many responsibilities that include fair treatment of employees, meeting their demands and encouraging an overall healthy environment. HR departments form strategies and follow these strategies throughout the training period of new employees in order to achieve set goals of the organisation.
Big companies are dealing with a massive shift in employee culture in today’s world. Global organisations are struggling to adapt through a shift in the market and continuously finding ways to improve on their market dominance. These companies are struggling to find a fit between the local market which carry diversity of markets, customers and channels. This is not only affecting the revenue streams of the businesses but also leading to turbulent environments in the workforce, where companies require strategic flexibility to meet changing market capabilities and get adaptable to the new resources. In such an environment it’s important for HR teams to form strategies and continuously shape employees as HR plays a key role in offering leadership development and performance management training.
Businesses these days are facing a huge shift in employee attitudes and behaviours. Workforce is pushing organisations to innovate, transform, and reengineer their human capital practices. These practices are leading to a drop in the interest of employees working in the organisation, causing staggered emotions, drop in motivation levels and shift in employee behaviour. It is becoming crucial for any organisation to use a set of strategic management techniques to manage employee’s attitude and behaviour towards the changing environment. More and more companies are reporting scarcity of skilled workers to meet required knowledge of skills. Not just technical staff but shortage of skilled employees is seen in sales, customer service, finance, manufacturing and other companies. By 2020, Deloitte has estimated a shortage of 38 to 40 million college-educated workers which is a challenging issue.
Globalization, increase in competition, environmental issues and many other forces are creating pressure on the current processes in-place and are causing disturbance in the workforce performance. Workforces with such disturbances develops an un-ethical environment where employees tend slowdown the work capabilities. Such environment creates a necessity for HR managers to provide motivation and lead the workforce through new processes and strategies formed.
In order to overcome this acute shortage of skilled workers, companies are required to develop understanding of the capability gaps and fill these gaps with knowledge from the leaders of the company. This is where human resource management comes into action. Skill development in young recruiters can create a space for innovative new ways of working resulting in increase in workforce performance.